The 7 Secrets of Marketing on Facebook

Marketing your business on Social Media can be a huge waste of time and money if not done correctly. Most people think it’s as simple as getting page likes and follows. While engagement is good, there are no guarantees you can turn those people into customers , unless you know these 7 secrets:
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The 7 Secrets:
7. Boost Your Post

As we all know Facebook is free to use, however, Facebook is a company as well and they have to make a profit somehow someway. Unfortunately for business owners, they make money out boosted posts and Ads. On the bright side, Facebook is the most cost-effective way to advertise in 2019 and likely to remain so for a long time. According to KunoCreative: less than 2% of your Facebook fans will see your organic post, it has to do with the algorithm of Facebook and also the sheer amount of pages people usually follow. Boost your posts and make sure to target people who already like your page as we already know that these people are interested in the content your page is posting.
6. Use Facebook Ads

It’s important to know the difference between Facebook posts and Facebook Ads. Facebook Ads can be manipulated and tailored to fit your ideal target audience. You can manipulate Ads based of off objective, audience, placement, schedule, even format. Run multiple ads, A/B test the creative design and content. Choose the Ad that performs the best and keep adding a budget based on performace.
5. Video Content is King
The best content for marketing on Facebook is hands down video content. The retention rate of video content nearly triples that of written content. Here’s why: it’s easy to consume, saves you time, it can be heard in the background while doing something else, and most importantly it’s more entertaining. Would you rather watch a movie or read a book? Take advantage of video content while it’s still young and growing on Facebook, do it before it gets over saturated like Youtube.
4. Facebook Cover

This tip is often overlooked, you get one chance to make a good first impression. Make sure your Facebook cover is unique, creative, and a summary of your product/services. Your Facebook cover should be a summary of what kind of content your page will have, take a look at our Facebook page cover: Click Here. If you can have a video even better, not only does that grab people’s attention but you can summarize your content in full length.
3. Mobile Optimization

The majority of people are browsing Facebook on their phones. It is very important to keep this in mind. Design your ads based off of the phone’s screen dimensions and make sure the text is big and easy to read. If you fail to do this you will lose out on a huge opportunity to get the best results out of your ads. If you are sending your traffic to a landing page make sure the website is mobile-optimized. The prime time of the desktop is over, phones are quickly taking over every vertical on the internet and you should adjust accordingly.
2. Target Audience

This step is one of the most important steps on this list. If you are spending a lot of money on ads as well as boosting your posts with very little to no returns this will fix your problem. There are several ways to begin to understand your target audience. The first one is to build a buyer persona with the data that you currently have, it’s best to have a website for this step but if you only have a Facebook page that will work too. Take a look at who is buying your services Age, Gender, Personality, and Interests. Once you have this data from your website and Facebook page make sure to utilize it your advantage when defining your audience on Facebook ads and boosted posts.
1. Hire Professionals
Digital Marketing is actually very cost effective, it can be done online regardless of both of the companies locations. Business owners should be focused on running the company and making sure their product or service is improving, let the marketing companies handle the social media profiles and get back to what you want to do. Staying on top of social media trends, changing landscapes, data analytics, post design, scheduling, and boosting can be a lot to handle on top of trying to run your business. We offer a 30 day free trial for digital marketing, you can cancel anytime no questions asked: Sign Up
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